
Showing posts from October, 2023


 The first disbursement of the inheritance came out at the end of September.  After paying quite a bit of my outstanding debt and paying out money to my granddaughters as I had planned, I still have about $6600.  I have to say this has not decreased my anxiety over having enough money at all like I thought it would The next disbursement is expected in mid November at which time I’ll pay another round of debt to decrease my overall expenses and increase my monthly income by about $3,000.  It will still leave a substantial amount of money in my savings account.  I think I’ll wait until after the New Year to decide on whether it makes sense to put some money into CD’s.  Interestingly enough while I’ve been worrying about all of this money vs my debt, I keep seeing and hearing things come up about how material things don’t matter as much as time spent with family and friends.  Building a legacy with them instead of  worrying about what I have and don’...