Accomplishments in 2023

 I spent nearly the entire first 7 months of 2023 cleaning my Dad’s house so we can sell it.  It was a lot of work. It took me way longer than I hoped it would, but I was finally able to get Glenda over there to work on the kitchen while I did the rest.  She and Mary helped in Isabella’s room and the kitchen .  Both were a lot of work, especially the kitchen.  I ended up renting a storage unit to store items from the house and what we were able to salvage of Elaine’s belongings. I took a lot of stuff to Goodwill, some to a recycling facility, and much of it I threw away.  I’m not sure why my sister and her daughter and their friends didn’t throw it away themselves.  They had so much junk and garbage.  I spent an entire day in the barn with my brothers cleaning it out and filling a dumpster with stuff that was destroyed by mice and water damage.  It was sad how much stuff we had to throw away.  Then we walked around the outside of the barn and discovered someone had been camping out there and left more junk for us to dispose of.  I’m appalled at the people who took advantage of my father just because he wasn’t able to get around and see what was going on.  Anyway, the house and property are on the market now, and have been since July 8th.  We haven’t had anyone show any interest yet, but I’m hopeful that we will.  Originally we marketed it as one parcel for $605K, but last week we separated it into 2 parcels for a total of $524K.  We had some interest over the weekend, but I haven’t heard any results yet. I’ll keep praying for a positive outcome.

On another note, I got my sister, Elaine in contact with the Benefits Program responsible for dispersing her pension.  She wasn’t doing anything about it other than being a victim.  Turns out she took so long to fill out the first packet they sent her that she missed their deadline.  They sent another packet but it never arrived.  This time she had it sent to me which I immediate took up to her to complete.  Once she had done that, I attached the required bank info and birth certificate, made a copy for us, and sent it off to Texas.  Hopefully she follows up with them this week so she can get the back pay she is owed and start receiving her monthly pension.  I certainly hope so because I can’t afford to pay her rent and my mortgage too.  Once the house sells she should be able to stay on top of her rent for quite a while. 

There are so many reasons the house needs to sell soon.  We can’t afford to continue paying the taxes and insurance on the house and pay our own bills. We all could use the money for various reasons. That’s the major reason I worked so hard on the house to get it done.  I would love to see all 8 of us profit from the sale of the house equally so we can have the things we need without worry and maybe even put a little money away for a rainy day and some fun. None of us have ever been able to do that and we all deserve it.


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