This might as well be my once in a while life instead of my daily life. I see the last time I wrote anything here was in January. That wasn’t my intention but that’s what it has become.

I’m working hard to pay off my debt. Eventually this will result in an increase in my credit score, but most importantly a decrease in my debt. So far, I have paid off at least two loans maybe three, and I’ve reduced my outstanding credit balances too below 100%. I really never intended to have my credit balance’s so high. In fact, one of the cards I have, I got as a way of reducing the percentage of credit I had outstanding.

I’m very ambivalent about retiring on June 1, even though I’ve already set the wheels in motion to do so. It feels like there’s no turning back now that I’ve set the date. I hope I’m not making a mistake financially.  Even more than that I’m going to miss my job. I’ve been working at the same hospital for nearly 40 years; it feels like I’m leaving my family, and my home. There are some positives though, a major one being the fact that I don’t have to be anywhere at 7:00 am. It’s getting harder and harder to get up at 5:30 every morning for work.  When I retire I’ll have the option of sleeping in without the guilt.

A big reason to retire is because I have three kids who I am concerned about being lost if I’m not there at home to make sure they have things to do.  One granddaughter just went through a severe depression and wanted to die.  My 7 year old granddaughter needs a Grandma with more energy which I’ll probably have if I’m not working. I think my niece would be in a better place too if I were here to spend more time with her. 

There are so more reasons why it’s a good idea to retire.  I just hope it’s the right decision. 


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