Looking forward

 I was looking out my kitchen window today and thinking about controlling the weeds in my field.  I looked up the best temperature to spray them and the lowest temperature I can start.  Optimum temperature is between 65 & 85 degrees, but once the temperature is consistently above 40 I can do some early spraying.  That usually happens around mid-to-late April, so I’ll need to be patient.  I can see where I sprayed last Fall.  There is some nice grass growing there, but I want to spray it again to prevent weeds from returning.  The girls doesn’t seem big until I start mowing, but it’s actually huge and takes me more than a day or two to completely mow.  If all goes well I’ll have a riding mower this summer.  It was my Dad’s and apparently he promised it to my sister’s grandson, but he has no way to store it and he doesn’t know how to repair it.  My brother’s son-in-law is going to take care of the repairs and I’ll store it in my garage once I get my garage door fixed.  When her grandson is ready to take it , it’ll be here. In the meantime it will be a timesaver for me and I’ll be able to keep the weeds down in the field.


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