Finance worries
My last blog I wrote about how my tax return was going to help me which it did, but there were some bumps along the way. Mainly with American Income Life. They took somewhere in the neighborhood of $800 from my checking account between the end of January and the beginning of March. I sent them $286 because it was my understanding that was what I owed them, but they took forever to process that check and in the meantime took the extra $800 I wasn’t expecting them to take. According to them I owed since September so they just kept drafting until they got it. This was despite our conversations about paying that bill over time to keep my policies active. I’m not saying they weren’t the owed the money, I’m just saying I don’t like the way they took the money without checking with me first. At least now I’m all paid up until the first of April, but now I have to find another way to save money so I’m not in the hole until payday. I already had to give up on the idea that Shylar and I would go to DC with Alyseia, and now she’s afraid to go without us. I really don’t think I can afford to go with her. I feel badly that I can’t make this happen for her, and I’m hoping she might get another chance to go when I can go with her.
I’m so close to having one major bill paid off, and getting closer to having another one gone which should free up some money to save. This is as long as I can get my Moetgage caught up. I’m at least owing for just this year and nothing left over from last year. I really need to get within 30 days which is my highest priority.
Finances are my biggest worry!!!
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